For decades, we have been providing students with experiences that have positively
impacted their lives, their families, and their careers. Our returnees love to share
their stories! One of the best ways for you to learn about what your future study
abroad experience could be like is by hearing stories from those students who have
already gone.
Take a look through our new blog site, our archived blogs, or contact our office to be put in touch with a student who has previously studied
abroad in the same place you are considering. We will always continue to share your
amazing stories.
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Donny Place -
"I mean the opportunity to go to another country is just a really awesome experience
and you get to meet really cool people. Studying abroad definitely makes you think
differently as you learn in a different style, but non academically it allows you
to travel and see the world outside the us and get introduced to ideas and thoughts
and cultures that you might not otherwise experience.”

Skyla Lewis - Location: Italy
"I was in Florence, Italy for about a month before we were asked to leave and it was
the best month of my life. I think my biggest thing to realize about the whole situation
is that I might not have gotten the entire time abroad, but I got one month, and that’s
more than most people could imagine so for that I’m thankful. Italy and its people
are what I’ll miss the most, in just one month the people of Florence made it feel
like a second home."

Gorenberg Screwvala -
Location: Chile
"I would encourage any STEM major to study abroad if you can! Whether you’re studying
to be a geoscientist (as I am) or a doctor or an engineer, it is illuminating to put
your studies and potential career in a global perspective. I happened to be the first
UofSC student studying with the School for Field Studies, in its Chile program that
was itself in its first year. There were certainly challenges to being among this
first group of U.S. students in Puerto Natales, but I’m grateful for the opportunities
I had to interact with the culture and landscape of Patagonia as both a student and
a traveler.”

Kali Gibbons -Location:Australia
"Studying abroad in Australia is something that I have been planning on doing for
years, and it was a dream come true to be able to spend 2 months in Melbourne this
semester. It was really incredible having this opportunity to travel to a country
that I otherwise probably would have never made it to! I loved getting to make friends
from all around the world, immerse myself in a new culture and environment, and have
the chance to learn so much about myself, in just this short amount of time. Australia
was truly the adventure of a lifetime, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the time
I spent there! "

Jared Dawson - Location: Spain
"I’m glad I did research on my destination and program because Valencia was everything
I could have asked for. Between the beach and gorgeous weather, my amazing host family,
the abundance of international students in the city, and the incredibly vibrant Spanish
lifestyle, I couldn’t have picked a better place to study abroad. In addition to that,
the Health Sciences program gave me an inside look on Spain‘s healthcare system and
challenged me to understand health from multiple perspectives.”

Taylor Stoia -Location:Italy
“I loved studying abroad and this situation could have been so bad if it wasn't for
the help of USC. I still had the time to experience 5 countries, meet an endless amount
of different people, and take risks I would have never taken! The adventures I had
abroad will be my favorite memories through my life and I'm so happy I can sit at
home safe now and reminisce on what an amazing time those 2 months really were."