On-Campus Department Partnerships
We invite our on-campus partners to be a part of New Student Orientation! Learn more about the various opportunities we have to promote your office's services.
Every year, the Office of New Student Orientation at the University of South Carolina provides the opportunity for campus offices and businesses to reach incoming freshman students, transfer students and their guests through our partnership program. Our goal is to bring awareness of your services and feature you as an integral part of Orientation. As a partner, you have the unique opportunity to help us make a positive and lasting first impression during each session.
Registration for the 2025 - 2026 partnership program is open and closes March 3 at 5 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Asouzu at asouzuj@email.sc.edu.
The Office of New Student Orientation provides collaborative programming that facilitates the transition, engagement and retention of new undergraduate students and their families to the intellectual, cultural and social environment of the University of South Carolina. Over the past year, we served over 8,500 incoming students and 7,000 families and supporters. For many students, Orientation is their first time on-campus and in Columbia. With your collaboration, we aim to create memorable transition experiences, introducing students to both their new home and it’s surrounding city.
We invite our on-campus partners to be a part of New Student Orientation! Learn more about the various opportunities we have to promote your office's services.
It is the goal of our office to not only introduce student's to their campus community, but the greater community of Columbia as well! Learn more about the opportunities we have for local businesses and non-profit organizations to be a part of New Student Orientation.
We invite corporate businesses in and around the midlands to promote their services to incoming students and their families. Learn more about our corporate partnerships.