Department of English Language and Literature
Nicole Plyler Fisk
Title: | Senior Instructor Associate Director of First-Year English |
Department: | English Language and Literature College of Arts and Sciences |
Email: | |
Office: | HUO 402 |
Resources: | English Language and Literature |

PhD, University of South Carolina, 2007
MA, University of Charleston, 2003
BA, College of Charleston, 2001
Areas of Specialization
Nineteenth-Century British Literature
Gender Studies
Composition and Rhetoric
Popular Culture
Young Adult Literature
Service Learning
Recently Taught Courses
ENGL 101/102 Capstone Reading, Writing, and Researching about Harry Potter
as a Cultural Phenomenon
ENGL 101/102 Capstone Reading, Writing, and Researching about The Hunger
Games as a Cultural Phenomenon
ENGL 282 Fiction/Capstone Study Abroad (Ireland): Irish Fiction for Children
ENGL 282 Fiction/Capstone Study Abroad (Portugal): Portuguese Fiction for Children
Selected Publications
• The Carolina Reader for English 101. Editor and managing editor.
- 3 editions, TopHat, 2022-2025.
- 9 editions, Hayden-McNeil, 2013-2021.
• The Carolina Rhetoric for English 102. Editor and managing editor.
- 2 editions, TopHat, 2023-2025.
- 7 editions, Hayden-McNeil, 2016-2022.
• “‘I Heard Her Murmurs’: Decoding Narratives of Female Desire in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Eliza Fenwick’s Secresy.” Brontë Studies 33.1 (November 2008): 218-231.
• “‘A Wild, Wick Slip She Was:’ The Passionate Female in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and Mary Hays’s The Memoirs of Emma Courtney.” Bronte Studies 31.2 (July 2006): 133-43.
• “Lady Audley as Sacrifice: Curing Female Disadvantage in Lady Audley’s Secret.” Victorian Newsletter 105 (2004): 24-27.
• “Advocacy for GTAs through Storytelling in First-Year Writing Programs.” Carolinas
WPA Conference in Little Switzerland, NC. 17 September 2024.
• “Leading Good Classroom Discussions.” Center for Teaching Excellence Workshop Series
in Columbia, SC. 4 September 2024. Invited presenter.
• “USC’s First-Year English and Blackboard Ultra.” Gamecock Teaching Days Online Teaching
Showcase in Columbia, SC. 10 April 2024. Invited presenter.
• “Transformative Pedagogy using Pop Culture Texts in the First-Year English Composition
Classroom.” College English Association Conference in Atlanta, GA. 21 March 2024.
• “Using Content Authoring and Customization to Create Community.” Top Hat Engage Conference
in New Orleans, LA. 1 March 2024. Invited presenter.
• “Then & Now: Reactive and Proactive WPA Efforts at the University of South Carolina.”
Carolinas WPA Meeting in the Middle in Charlotte, NC. 9 February 2024. Co-led with
the FYE Admin Team.
• “Inviting Insights to Support Programmatic and Administrative Renewal.” Carolinas
WPA Conference in Little Switzerland, NC. 12 September 2023. Co-led with Kevin Brock.
• “Peacemaking through Storytelling: What I Learned from Suzanne Collins, Author of
The Hunger Games.” PJSA Annual Conference in Alliance, OH. 14 October 2022.
• “‘The way he hates you … [is] so familiar’: Intimate Violence in Suzanne Collins’s
War Stories for Children.” International Interdisciplinary Conference: Violence and
Power in Richards Bay, South Africa. 9 September 2022.
• “Integrating Reflection in Study Abroad.” Center for Teaching Excellence Workshop
Series in Columbia, SC. 1 April 2021.
• "From Silence Breakers to Culture Changers: Power and Potential in the #MeToo Movement." SPF/CCC
Series on Feminism. 7 January 2018.
• “Fostering Classroom Civility.” Center For Teaching Excellence Workshop Series in
Columbia, SC. 30 August 2017.
• “Higher Education and ‘The Blithe Superiority that is the Refuge of the Small.’” SPF/CCC
Conference in Springfield, Missouri. 11 August 2017.
• "Tributes and American Snipers: How The Hunger Games Helps Us Understand Chris Kyle and Imagine Peace." ECPR Conference in Montreal, Canada.
29 August 2015.
• “’Some Kind of Monster that I’m Not’: The Process of Becoming Fully Human in The Hunger Games Series.” PCA/ACA Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. 1 April 2015.
• “’May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor’: Suzanne Collins’s The Hunger Games Series as First-Year Composition Theme.” Writing Program Administrators Conference
in Savannah, Georgia. 19 July 2013.
• “Developing Shades of Grey: Moral Development in the Harry Potter series.” Southwest
Texas Popular Culture and American Culture Association Conference in Albuquerque,
New Mexico. 28 February 2009.
• “‘Surely We Shall Find No Lower Depth Than This’: Matrimonial Misery in Charlotte
Brontë’s The Tenant of Wildfell Hall and Charlotte Smith’s Desmond.” The South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Conference in New Orleans,
Louisiana. 23 February 2008.
• “Brontë’s Bertha and Fenwick’s Sibella: Parallel Representations of Anxiety and Madness.”
The Aphra Behn Society for Women and the Arts Conference in Daytona Beach, Florida.
29 October 2005.
• “‘A Wild, Wick Slip She Was:’ Parallel Representations of the Passionate Female in
Brontë’s Wuthering Heights and Hays’s Memoirs of Emma Courtney. International Conference on Romanticism at Colorado College, Colorado Springs,
Colorado. 15 October 2005.
• “Twin Souls: Bertha and Heathcliff in Lin Haire-Sergeant’s H: The Story of Heathcliff’s Journey Back to Wuthering Heights.” The Twentieth Century and the Victorians Conference at University of Leeds, England.
11 July 2005.
• “Gothic Inversions: Playing with Religious Expectation in Robinson’s ‘The Lady of
the Black Tower.” College English Association in Indianapolis, Indiana. 1 April
• “Mary Robinson as Female Prophet: Reading ‘The Lascar’ as a Warning Against Imperialism.”
International Conference on Romanticism at Texas A&M International University, Laredo,
Texas. 16 October 2004.
• “Hareton and Heathcliff: Angelic and Demonic Heroes in Wuthering Heights.” The Brontës and Their World Conference at Pace University, Pleasantville, New
York. 17 April 2004.