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Department of History

  •  Music book of Morris Woodruff


The documents that will be published in the Papers of the Revolutionary Era Pinckney Statesmen Digital Edition will appear not as facsimiles but as transcriptions—easily readable, readily searchable, tagged, and annotated: the text and context will be fully conveyed. But a document is more than a record; it is also an artifact. Here we provide images of some documents for which we believe the physical object adds extraordinary perspective beyond the text that it contains.

In our search for documents, too, we have come across artifacts of little or no textual import. But as evidence of the material cultural environment within which the Pinckney Statesmen lived, these objects are invaluable. We provide images of some of these items in the hope that they will impart a more visceral feel for the lived experience of the Pinckneys.

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