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My Law School

HELP Homeless Legal Clinic

Collaboration between a number of community organizations and the Richland County Bar Association has resulted in this effort to assist the homeless population in the Greater Columbia area. Legal clinics will be held twice a month. Law student volunteers may serve in several positions: intake processing at the Clinic and as a law clerk for the on-site volunteer attorneys

Training: Law clerks will be on-site for two hours and may have follow up work. Online registration

Purpose of pro bono opportunity

  1. To provide opportunities for law students to work along side the attorneys and clients
  2. To provide skills development and enhancement opportunities for law students
  3. To create an awareness of the problems faced by homeless people

Requirements or qualifications

Law students must:

  1. be a good academic standing
  2. complete and submit the Volunteer Enrollment Form
  3. have an interest in serving the indigent and homeless population

Responsibilities of organizations

Project HELP must:

  1. agree to properly supervise the work of the law student
  2. provide clear and timely instructions
  3. seek opportunities to expose the students to various tasks
  4. provide feedback when possible.

Responsibilities of the students

The students must:

  1. communicate effectively and efficiently with Project HELP
  2. complete tasks in a timely and competent manner
  3. seek assistance when needed
  4. perform duties professionally

Skills Opportunities

The following Core Skills may be associated with this particular volunteer opportunity. Not all tasks will contain all of these skills. See the complete Core Competencies & Skills Inventory for more details.

  • Core Skill: Oral Communication and Listening Abilities
  • Core Skill: Critical Reading Abilities
  • Core Skill: Task Organization and Management
  • Core Skills: Professionalism

Next Steps?


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