Certificate 1: Simple Black Border
Layout style: Black Border; Simple; Formal
The Marketing and Communications office produces all college promotional and marketing material. This includes program materials such as brochures and fact sheets, the Moore School website, institutional videos and all college-related social media content. We also serve as gatekeeper for the release of information to the media and other external audiences.
All digital documents on our website—and those made available to students by faculty (even on Blackboard)—should be ADA compliant.
Print or Digital
If you receive a call from a reporter, please contact MarCom at marcom@moore.sc.edu; MarCom may also contact you regarding media requests.
Download the template. Open Word or Powerpoint, from inside the program, go under the "File" menu and choose "Open." Click on the template to open and edit. Need help? Email MarCom.
Layout style: Black Border; Simple; Formal
Layout style: Garnet Border; Simple; Informal with Ornament detail
Layout style: Formal with Ornament detail; Black Decorative Border
Layout style: Informal; Thick Garnet Border with Arrows
Layout style: Spotlights date; large image; limited copy
This flyer layout features the date, time and location prominently with limited copy. The layout requires a high-quality, properly sized photo or illustration.
Used for: date-driven events or announcements, high-quality source imagery and events that don't require a detailed explanation
Layout style: Spotlights date; garnet frame; medium image; limited copy
This flyer layout features the day, date and time prominently with short, descriptive copy. The layout requires a high-quality, properly sized photo or illustration.
Used for: Date-driven events or announcements, high-quality source imagery and events that don't require a detailed explanation
Layout style: Spotlights image; headline; extended copy
This flyer layout features a high-impact image plus extended descriptive copy. The layout requires a high-quality, properly sized photo or illustration.
Used for: Conveying an extended event or program description and high-quality source imagery
Layout style: Decorative image; headline; extended copy
This flyer layout features a decorative image, rankings plus extended descriptive copy. The layout requires a high-quality, properly sized photo or illustration.
Used for: Conveying an extended event or program description and high-quality source imagery
This digital version of the letterhead can be customized with your department’s name. If you customize the letterhead, do not delete the EEO statement or the digital document footer.
This template can be used to create a meeting agenda that also features the meeting title, date, time and meeting location. You can also update the logo in the header with your unit or subunit logo.
This template can be used to create a memorandum or announcement documenting the date, to/from and topic followed by explanatory text. If you customize the template, do not delete the EEO statement or the digital document footer.
Layout style: Moore School background image; event name and details; speaker photo and information; registration link
Used for: Announcing an event with extended copy and speaker information
Layout style: Eye-catching image; event name and details
Used for: Announcing event with basic event details
Layout style: Garnet overlay border; program details; additional information link
Used for: Influencing seniors to apply to Moore School graduate programs, or detailing program information
Layout style: Event header with large image and event details
Used for: Announcing an event with extended copy and large image