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Career Center

Chronological Resume

Many employers value your recent work experience heavily. For this reason, chronological resumes are common. This style of resume lists your job history in order, starting from your most recent position.

Build the Resume Employers Want

Your resume should be a carefully crafted document that helps employers clearly see the value you will bring to their organization.

This can generally be done with one page that clearly illuminates the specific, tangible and transferable skills and attributes that you have to offer.

Additional Tips: 

  • use 10- to 12- point type font 
  • focus on information that is relevant to the employer and job 
  • keep your resume short 
  • include key words taken directly from the job description 
  • quantify your results, when possible

Connect What You Have To What The Employer Needs

It’s critical to understand up front that, in all interactions with employers, the responsibility rests with you to make the match between what you have to offer and what the employer needs.

Through your resume, you want to demonstrate how your academic, extracurricular and work experiences connect to the job and offer the employer some evidence that you have the potential to be a good fit for the job and organization.

Do your research! It will clarify what you should highlight on your resume, as you tailor it to the job you're seeking. Find the similarities between the job and your experience and qualifications.


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