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College of Arts and Sciences

Approved Courses for the Minor in SOST

The Southern Studies Minor requires six courses: SOST201 and SOST202 and four more courses--from at least two disciplines--from the following list of approved courses. While not listed, other courses (such as special topics courses from any academic unit), may also count; students are encouraged to reach out to Dr. Matthew Simmons with questions about/approval for these special topics courses. All SOST courses count towards the minor.

AFAM331/HIST211—Black Experience in the United States to 1865

AFAM332/HIST212—Black Experience in the United States since 1865

AFAM335/HIST455—The American Civil Rights Movement

AFAM366/ANTH366—Medicine, Disease, and Slavery

AFAM420—Slavery, Literature & Culture

ANTH229—Southeastern Archaeology

ANTH232—Contemporary Cultures of South Carolina

ANTH321—South Carolina Archaeology

ENGL427—Southern Literature

ENGL438A—South Carolina Writers

ENVR200—Natural History of South Carolina

GEOG221—Geography of South Carolina

GEOG521—Landscapes of South Carolina

HIST403—The Sections and the Nation, 1828-1860

HIST404—Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860-1877

HIST409—The History of South Carolina, 1670-1865

HIST410—History of South Carolina Since 1865

HIST442—The Old South

HIST443—The New South

HIST444—The Civil War in American History

HIST445—The Reconstruction of the Nation

HIST462—Southern Intellectual and Cultural History

HPEB512—Southern Discomfort: Public Health in the American South

POLI363—Southern Politics

POLI570—South Carolina Government and Politics

RELG374—Religion in the South

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
