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Department of Psychology

Faculty and Staff Directory

Chris Rorden

Title: Professor
Endowed Chair of Neuroimaging
Department: Psychology
College of Arts and Sciences
Phone: 803-576-5662
Office: Discovery, 227
Resources: Curriculum Vitae [pdf]
Department of Psychology


I currently teach Sensation and Perception (PSYC450), as well as Traumatic Brain Injury (PSYC 589), and Functional brain imaging: Image to inference (PSYC 888).


Research statement: I examine the behavioral difficulties people experience after brain injury. Stroke is the leading cause of disability in the United States, often causing difficulties with speech and perception. Likewise, epilepsy is the leading major neurological disorder. We benefit from a recent revolution in non-invasive techniques for observing and stimulating the brain.

Representative Publications

Karnath HO, Rorden C. (2011, 7). The anatomy of spatial neglect. Neuropsychologia, PMID: 21756924.

Revill KP, Karnath HO, Rorden C. (2011, 7). Distinct anatomy for visual search and bisection: a neuroimaging study. Neuroimage, PMID: 21586329.

Fridriksson J, Richardson JD, Baker JM, Rorden C. (2011, 1). Transcranial direct current stimulation improves naming reaction time in fluent aphasia: a double-blind, sham-controlled study. Stroke, PMID: 21233468.

Rorden C, Karnath HO. (July, 2010). A simple measure of neglect severity. Neuropsychology, PMID: 20433859.

Karnath HO, Rennig J, Johannsen L, Rorden C. (2011, 3). The anatomy underlying acute versus chronic spatial neglect: a longitudinal study. Brain, PMID: 20433859.

Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.