Valerie Barron
Contact: vkbarron@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Experimental Social Psychology, Social Networks, Identity, Emotions, Inequality, and Science/Technology
Contact: vkbarron@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Experimental Social Psychology, Social Networks, Identity, Emotions, Inequality, and Science/Technology
Contact: mlg20@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Psychology, Altruism, Prosocial Behaviors, Emotions and Social Networks
Contact: nharder@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Networks, Mathematical Sociology, Social Psychology, Culture, Status and Influence, Contagion and Diffusion
Contact: nahollis@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Psychology, Altruism, Status, Gender and Race
Contact: kayode@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Demography, Population, Sexual and Reproductive health, Maternal and Child Health
Contact: changyi@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Network, Status, Inequality and Migration
Contact: mmandal@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Psychology, Morality, Social Media and Social Networks
Research Interest: Social Psychology, Populations, Mental Health, and Identity
Contact: vmoney@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social networks, Information Diffusion, Health, Social Media Analysis and Identity
Current Research Projects: Thou Shalt Lie: Managing Anticipatory Deflection with Deception; Reddit vs Twitter: The Underlying Nature of Social Media and How it Shapes the Characteristics of DDEO; Secrets, Lies, and Social Network Analysis
Contact: sld9@email.sc.edu
Research: Economic Inequality, Gender, Race, Health and Qualitative Methods
Current Research Projects: Researching How Couples Navigate Student Loan Debt Together
Contact: gapierce@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Networks, Organizations and Inequality
Contact: osummers@email.sc.edu
Research Interests:Extremism, Religion, Cults, Political Sociology, Apocalypticism, Othering
Contact: merchaj@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Research Methods, Social Psychology, Group Processes, Discrimination, Migration and Identity.
Contact: wolfea@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Biomedicine, Health Inequalities, Gender, Sex and Sexuality
Current Research Projects: Gender and Sex as Social Determinants of Health, Patient-Provider Relationships, and Medical Provider Burnout
Contact: zhong5@email.sc.edu
Research Interests: Social Psychology and Social Networks
Current Research Projects: A Permutation Test for Ecological Competition; Social Influence Network Model of Performance Expectations4