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- Eurydice Bauer, Ph.D.
Faculty and Staff
Eurydice Bauer, Ph.D.
Title: | Professor, Language and Literacy John E. Swearingen Chair of Education |
Department: | Teacher Education College of Education |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-576-6295 |
Office: | Wardlaw 241 |

Ph.D. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Eurydice Bouchereau Bauer is the John E. Swearingen Chair of Education and Professor in the Department of Teacher Education at the University of South Carolina. Bauer teaches courses in literacy. Her research focuses on the literacy development, instruction, and assessment of students (preschool-grade 5) from diverse linguistic, economic, and cultural backgrounds, with a specific focus on bilingual literacy.
Bauer’s research examines the sociocultural contexts in which literacy takes place and the various roles of the participants. In conducting her research she has combined two qualitative techniques, ethnography of communication with ethnographic case study research, to develop a method for systematically documenting and analyzing oral and written discourse, the literacy artifacts and contexts in which the discourses are displayed, and the settings in which the language and literacy events occur. A key element of her method is the creation of analytic layers (oral, textual, participant, setting), and the triangulation of evidence gathered across these layers to interpret the complexity of the events being studied. Given the research questions that she explores, her work is longitudinal, typically involving one to five years of data collection and requires extensive audio- and videotaping, transcriptions, and/or equal amount of time devoted to analysis.
Bauer has been co-Principal Investigator and a senior researcher on two United States Department of Education grants and was the recipient of two Spencer Foundation grants. Bauer served on a number of national committees such as Member of National Research Agenda Planning Panel for ELL Students; NAEP Reading Framework Study Comparison Expert Panel; and Member of the Spencer Foundation Special Panel on Reconceptualizing and Reducing Risk in Early Childhood Development. Since Spring 2016, Bauer’s dual language research site became part of an NSF funded PIRE project situated at Penn State and University of California at UC Irvine. Bauer is the director of Bilingualism Matters @ the University of South Carolina.
Selected Publications
Books Authored or Co-Authored
Van Kleek, A., Stahl, S., & Bauer, E. B. (2003). On reading books to children: Parents and teachers. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Aaron, J., Bauer, E. B., Commeyras, M., Cox, S., Daniell, B., Elrick, E., Fecho, R., Herman-Wilmarth, J., Hogan, B., Pintaone-Hernandez, A., Roulston, K., Siiegel, A., & Vaugh, H. (2006). No Deposit, no return: Community, responsibility, and risk in critical inquiry classrooms. Newark, DE: International Reading Association. [Project funded by Spencer Foundation]
Bauer, E. B., & Gort, M. (2012). Early biliteracy development: Images of how young bilinguals make use of their linguistic resources. New York, NY: Routledge Publishers.
Selected Chapters and Articles
Bauer, E. B., & Arazi, J. (2011). Promoting literacy development for beginning ELs. Reading Teacher, 64(5), 383–386.
García, G. E., Pearson, P. D., Taylor, B. M., Bauer, E. B., & Stahl, K. A. D. (2011). Socio-constructivist and political views on teachers’ implementation of two types of reading comprehension approaches in low-income schools. Theory into Practice, 50(2), 149-156.
Bauer, E. B., & Mkhinze, D. (2012). Supporting the early development of biliteracy. In E. B. Bauer & M. Gort (Eds.), Early Biliteracy Development: Exploring Young Learners’ Use of their Linguistic Resources (pp. 14–33). New York, NY: Routledge. [Project funded by Spencer Foundation]
Bauer, E. B., Guerrero, B., Hornberg, S., & Bos, W. (2015). Understanding Students with Immigrant Background: A German Case of Students’ language and Identity in Development. Journal of language, Identity, and Education, 14(5), 299–315.
Bauer, E. B., & Guererro, B. (2015). Young children’s emerging identities as bilingual and biliterate students: The role of context. In A. Anderson, J. Anderson, J. Hare, & M. McTavish (Eds.). Language, Culture, and Learning in Early Childhood: Transcultural Home, School, and Community Contexts (pp. 40–84). New York, NY: Routledge.
Bauer, E. B., & Harrison, D. (2015). Parental perspectives on dual language classrooms: The role of the African American parents. In P. Smith, & A. Kumi-Yeboah (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cross-Cultural Approaches to Language and Literacy Development (pp. 139–157). IGI Global.
Bauer, E. B., & Colomer, S. (2016). Biliteracy. Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory. 113(1), 1-6. Retrieved from file:///Users/Bauer/Downloads/manuscript.html
Bauer, E. B., Presiado, V., & Colomer, S. (2017). Writing through Partnership: How Emergent Bilinguals Foster Translanguaging. Journal of Literacy Research, 49(1), 10-37.
Bauer, E. B., Colomer, S., Wiemelt, J. (preprint 2018). Biliteracy of African Americans and Latinas/os in a kindergarten dual language program: Understanding students’ translanguaging practices across informal assessments. Urban Education, 1-31
Bauer, E. B. (2019). Kindergartners’ writing in a dual language classroom. Language Arts. 96(4), 213-223.
Bauer, E. B. & Jimenez, R. (2019). (Re)positioning language and literacy within culturally and linguistically diverse schooling communities. Theory Into Practice. 58(3), 1-4.
Kumi-Yeboah, A., Bauer, E. B., Sanchez, O. (Accepted). When race and literacy intersect: Learning from the lives of Black bilingual immigrant youth. In P Smith (Ed.), Clarifying the role of race in the literacies of Black immigrant youth. Teachers College Record.
Bauer, E. B. & Cardenas Curiel, L. (accepted). Do you speak Spanish?: An Exploration of the Intersection between Emergent Bilinguals’ Biliterate Identity Construction and Race in a Dual Language Program. Themed issue in Reading Psychology.
Editorships of Journals
- Co-Editor, Theory into Practice, Summer 2019
- Co-Editor, Literacy Research, Theory, Method, and Practice, 2017-2020
- Editor, Journal of Literacy Research, December 2018—December, 2021
Research/Areas of Expertise
- Literacy and families
- Culturally and linguistically diverse students and their parents
- Early childhood literacy
- Bilingualism and biliteracy
- Dual language programs
Special Awards
2008, Fulbright Alternate, “The immigrant Experience in Germany: Students Experiences in School and its Impact on Literacy Learning.”
- 2014, Outstanding Faculty Award for Service, College of Education Awards, UIUC.
- 2017, John E. Swearingen Chair of Education, University of South Carolina.
- 2017, Albert J. Kingston Distinguished Service Award, Literacy Research Association.
- 2019-present, Director of Bilingualism Matters at the University of South Carolina.
EDRD 798: Curriculum Design and Materials Development
EDRD 844: Advanced Study of Language Acquisition