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- Ryan G. Carlson Ph.D.
Faculty and Staff
Ryan G. Carlson, Ph.D.
Title: | Department Chair Professor, Counselor Education |
Department: | Educational and Developmental Science College of Education |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-2889 |
Office: | Wardlaw 258 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae [pdf] |

Ryan Carlson is a licensed mental health counselor with training in several couples counseling/relationship education approaches who has experience working in private practice and community mental health. He has studied and is published in the areas of (a) outcomes for low-income couples and individuals who received relationship education; (b) efficacious recruitment/retention of low-income participants into research; and (c) intimate partner violence typologies & implications for counseling.
Academic Background
Ph.D., Counselor Education (CACREP Accredited) from University of Central Florida
Masters in Counselor of Education , Mental Health Track from University of Central Florida
B.S. in Psychology from University of Central Florida
Selected Publications
* Denotes student collaborator
*Wofford, J. R., & Carlson, R. G. (In Press). Counseling typically developing siblings of persons with disabilities: Strengths and struggles. The Family Journal.
Carlson, R. G., Wheeler, N. J., & *Adams, J. J. (In Press). The influence of individual-oriented relationship education on equality and conflict-related behaviors. Journal of Counseling & Development.
Carlson, R. G., Rogers, T. L., Wheeler, N. J., Kelchner, V., Griffith, S-A. M., & Liu, X. (2017). The Continuum of Conflict and Control Relationship Scale (CCC-RS): Psychometrics for a measure designed to discriminate among types of intimate partner violence. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 50(3), 155-169.
Evadne, N., Daire, A. P., Carlson, R. G., & Munyon, M. (2017). Analysis of marital expectations in African immigrant and United States-born married couples. The Qualitative Report, 22(3), 831-848.
Fripp, J. A., & Carlson, R. G. (2017). Exploring the influence of attitudes and stigma on participation of African American and Latino populations in mental health services. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 45, 80-94. DOI: 10.1002/jmcd.12066.
Carlson, R. G., Rappleyea, D., Daire, A. P., Harris, S. H., & Liu, S. (2017). A comparison of high and low-risk couples’ outcomes in couple and relationship education. Family Process, 56(1), 91-104. Doi: 10.1111/famp.12172.
Gutierrez, D., Carlson, R. G., Daire, A. P., & Young, M. E. (2017). Evaluating treatment outcomes using the integrative model for brief couples counseling: A pilot study. The Family Journal, 25(1), 5-12.
Carlson, R. G., Case Pease, J., Wheeler, N. J., Liu, X., McDonald, J., & Strawn, L. (2017). Examining the relationship among couples’ satisfaction and family services counselors visits in couples and relationship education. Marriage & Family Review, 53(1).
Carlson, R. G., *Fripp, J., *Cook, C., & *Kelchner, V. (2015). Examining intimate partner violence, stress, and technology among young adults. The Professional Counselor, 5(3), 365-378.
Barden, S. M., Carlson, R. G., Daire, A. P., Finell, L. R., *Christopher, K., & *Young, E. (2015). Investigating the influence of relationship education on parental attitudes. Marriage & Family Review, 51(3), 246-263.
Marciano, S. T., Drasgow, E., & Carlson, R. G. (2015). Marital longevity in families who include a child with autism. The Family Journal, 23(2), 132-140.
Carlson, R. G., Barden, S. M., Daire, A. P., & *Greene, J. (2014). Influence of relationship education on relationship satisfaction for low-income couples. Journal of Counseling and Development, 92(4), 418-427.
Haber, R., Carlson, R. G., & *Braga, C. (2014). Use of an Anecdotal Client Feedback Form in Family Therapy. Family Process, 53(2), 307-317.
Carlson, R. G., Daire, A. P., & Haiyan, B. (2014). Examining relationship satisfaction and individual distress for low-to-moderate income couples in relationship education. The Family Journal, 22(3), 282-291.
Carlson, R. G., Barden, M. S., Daire, A. P., & *Swartz, M. (2014). Examining parental alliance for low-income couples who attend relationship education with or without a partner. Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy, 13(2), 153-170.
Daire, A. P., *Dominguez, V. N., Carlson, R. G., & Case-Pease, J. (2014). Family adjustment measure: Scale construction and validation. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 47(2), 91-101.
Carlson, R. G., *Guttierrez, D., Daire, A. P., & *Hall, K. (2014). Does frequency of speaker-listener technique use influence relationship satisfaction? Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 24(1), 25-29.
Daire, A. P., Carlson, R. G., Barden, S. M., & Jacobson, L. (2014). Intimate partner violence (IPV) protocol readiness model. The Family Journal, 22(2), 170-178.
Carlson, R. G., *Fripp, J., Munyon, M. D., Daire, A. P., Johnson, J. M., & DeLorenzi, L. (2014). Examining passive and active recruitment for low-income couples in relationship education. Marriage and Family Review, 50(1), 76-91.
Memberships & Professional Activities
American Counseling Associate (ACA) Member
Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (ACES) Member
Southern Association for Counselor Educators and Supervisors (SACES) Member
European Branch American Counseling Association (EB-ACA) Member
Selected Awards
2014 Don Dinkmeyer Social Interest Award, American Counseling Association
2014 Emerging Leader Award, Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC)
2014 USC ASPIRE-I Innovation:- Sub-track I, junior faculty development funding recipient, Assessing Relationship Violence Across a Continuum: A Scale Development Project
2012 Office of Vice President for Research Featured Scholar, University of South Carolina
2011 Outstanding Research Award, UCF Counselor Education Conference
2010 SACES Emerging Leader Fellow, Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)