College of Education
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- Andrea M. Fleming, Ph.D.
Faculty and Staff
Andrea M. Fleming, Ph.D.
Title: | Clinical Assistant Professor, Counselor Education |
Department: | Educational and Developmental Science College of Education |
Email: | |

Ph.D., Counselor Education, University of South Carolina
M.A. Counseling, Webster University
B.A. Psychology, University of South Carolina
Andrea M. Fleming, Ph.D. has more than 25 years of experience as a clinical mental health counselor specializing in substance use disorders treatment. She is a Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor (LPCS), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), Licensed Addictions Counselor (LAC), Certified Clinical Supervisor (CS), and Master Addictions Counselor (MAC). In addition, she is a 2007 graduate of Leadership Institute with Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center sponsored by the Morehouse School of Medicine, which identified and mentored emerging leaders in the behavioral health profession.
Fleming currently serves as an appointee on the Certification Commission with the Addictions Professional of South Carolina which is responsible for the credentialing of addictions professionals in South Carolina. She was also a fellowship recipient with the Grace Jordan McFadden Professors Program while completing her doctoral studies. Her research was a qualitative inquiry entitled: “A Theoretical Formulation of Best Practices in Balancing Administrative and Clinical Supervision: Perceptions of Exemplar Dual Role Licensed Supervisors in Community Behavioral and Mental Health Agencies”.
Invited Presentations
Fleming, A. (2022, June). Introduction to Beginning Supervision Skills: Tips and Tools to Incorporate as a Novice Clinical Supervisor. Presented at statewide clinical supervision training series. Sponsored by Addiction Professionals of South Carolina in partnership with Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2022, June). Advanced Supervision Skills: Supervision Models, Exploring the “Self” of the Therapist, and the Considerations when Managing Dual Roles as a Supervisor. Presented at statewide clinical supervision training series. Sponsored by Addiction Professionals of South Carolina in partnership with Southeast Addiction Technology Transfer Center Network. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2022, June). Resilience in Clinical Supervision Practices: Professional, Personal and Parallel Processing. Presented at statewide conference ‘Resiliency Thriving in Uncertain Times’. Sponsored by South Carolina Clinical Mental Health Counselors Association. Virtual Platform.
Fleming, A. (2021, April). Multicultural Competency and Models of Supervision. Presented at Clinical Supervision and Consultation Course. Sponsored by South Carolina Clinical Mental Health Counselors Association. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2021, January). Self-Care and Mental Health in the Face of Crises. Presented for faculty and students at Voorhees College. Denmark, SC.
Fleming, A. (2020, October). Multicultural Competency and Models of Supervision. Presented at Clinical Supervision and Consultation Course. Sponsored by South Carolina Association of Licensed Professional Counselors. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2020, April). Let’s Talk Mental Health: Impact of COVID-19 and Healthcare Professionals. Presented statewide and hosted by Capitol Nurse Practitioner Group. Virtual Platform.
Fleming, A. (2019, July). Multiculturalism in Clinical Supervision. Presented statewide for Barbara Melton and The Gold Standard, LLC. Summerville, SC.
Fleming, A. (2019, June). Best Practices in Clinical Supervision: The Importance of Subscribing to a Model and Emphasizing Multi-Cultural Competency in Supervision. Presented at Annual Statewide Conference hosted by South Carolina Association for Licensed Professional Counselors. Columbia, SC.
Hipp, C., Guest, J., Wymer, B., Wallace, D., Limberg, D., Fleming, A. (2019, March). Counselor Education Doctoral Students’ Experiences Supervising Across Tracks in CACREP Programs: A Qualitative Study. Presented at American Counselors Association. New Orleans, LA.
Wymer, B., Guest, J., Deaton, J., Limberg, D., Carr, A., Adams, N., Fleming, A. (2019, March). Supervision Experiences Related to Secondary Traumatic Stress When Treating Child Sexual Abuse Survivors. Presented at American Counselors Association. New Orleans, LA.
Fleming, A. (2019, March). Supervisors in Dual Roles and Benefits of External Supervision: Consideration for Supervision. Presented at American Counselor Association. New Orleans, LA.
Fleming, A. (2019, February). Supervisors in Dual Roles and Benefits of External Supervision: Considerations for Supervision. Presented at South Carolina Counselors Association. Hilton Head SC.
Fleming, A. (2018, October). Supervisors in Dual Roles and Benefits of External Supervision: Considerations for Supervision. Presented at Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference. Myrtle Beach, SC.
Fleming, A. (2018, September). Multicultural Competency and Models of Supervision. Presented at Clinical Supervision and Consultation Course. Sponsored by South Carolina Association of Licensed Professional Counselors. Columbia, SC.
Wymer, B., Guest, J., Hipp, C., Deaton, J., Fleming, A. (2018, April). Improving outcomes for children in foster care: Practical approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration. Presented at American Counselors Association. Atlanta, GA.
Wymer, B., Moore, C., Ferguson, D., Fleming, A., Deaton, J. (2018, February). Improving outcomes for children in foster care: Practical approaches to interdisciplinary collaboration. Presented at South Carolina Counselors Association. Hilton Head, SC.
Fleming, A. (2017, January). Invited panelist by Rosenthal, R. How to be a light in the darkness: A discussion on race, diversity and inclusion on college campuses. Conducted at Columbia College. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2016, June). The need is great and so must we be: Our responsibilities as counseling professionals. Keynote Speaker at 1st Annual Healing Our Community Conference. Columbia, SC.
Rosenthal, R., Fleming, A. (2016, April). Health equity, health disparities and diversity: How we can help accelerate health equity in our community. Presented at South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2016, January). Ethics in counseling: Your guide for best practices. Presented at South Carolina Department of Corrections Behavioral Health Conference. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2016, January). Transition from DSM-IV TR to DSM 5: Emphasis on substance use disorders. Presented at South Carolina Department of Corrections Behavioral Health Conference. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2012, September). Signs and symptoms of alcohol and other drugs. Presented at South Carolina Black Lawyers Association Annual Retreat. Columbia, SC.
Fleming, A. (2012, August). Clinical supervision: Define and implement. Presented at Sumter Behavioral Health Services. Sumter, SC.
Fleming, A. (2012, February). Succeeding in sociology from freshman to professional. Presented at Voorhees College. Denmark, SC.
Fleming, A. (2008, March). Understanding our community impact as helping professionals. Presented at 10th Annual Dr. Lonnie E. Mitchell National HBCU Substance Abuse and Mental Health Conference. Atlanta, GA.