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- Christie Martin, Ph.D.
Faculty and Staff
Christie Martin, Ph.D.
Title: | Professor, M.Ed. in Teaching |
Department: | Teacher Education College of Education |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-6231 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae [pdf] |

Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2013
M.Ed. in Elementary Education, Hunter College NY, 2005
B.S. in Accounting, Albany State University, 2000
Christie Martin is a Professor in the Teacher Education Department at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. Her research interests include content literacy in mathematics and science, digital literacy, and formative assessment. She is a Fulbright Scholar that spent a year in Norway researching the role of literacy in mathematics observation instruments and how these instruments generalize across contexts. She studies her research interests by examining their impact on student learning, how teachers engage in this work through professional development, the tools used in the classroom to support this work, and the measurement tools used for students and teachers.
Christie Martin’s research agenda focuses on the areas of content area literacy, program evaluation, and the use of technology in education. Her recent efforts to broaden her research internationally have included attending international conferences and editing a book that studied education in China. These themes overlap in most of her publications. Her role on two evaluation teams and future work as a consultant for evaluating grants has afforded her the opportunity to examine the impact of programs and professional development on teachers and students.
Christie Martin primarily teaches EDEL 440 Elementary Mathematics Methods, EDTE 713 Action Research Capstone, and EDEL 491 Seminar in teaching.
Selected Publications
Martin, C., Polly, D, & Lambert, R. (Eds.) (2020) Handbook of Research of Formative Assessment in Pre-K Through Elementary Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Polly, D., Martin, C.& K. Dikilitas (Eds.) (2019) Handbook of Research on Educator Preparation and Professional Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global
Martin C. & Polly. D. (Eds.) (2016). Handbook for Research on Teacher Education and Professional Development. Hershey, PA: IGI Global
Wang, C. Wen, M. & Martin C. (Eds.) (2015). Chinese Education from the Perspectives of American Educators. Charlotte, NC: IAP Publishing Inc.
Journal Articles
Miller, B., Martin, C., & Ford, D. (accepted). Developing scientific literacy through the exploration of shadows. Science and Children
Gezer, T., Wang, C., Polly, D., Martin, C. S., Pugalee, D. K., & Lambert, R. G. (accepted). The relationship between formative assessment and summative assessment in Primary grade mathematics classrooms. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education.
Miller, B., Martin, C., & Ford, D. (2020). Look, it’s changing! Science and Children, 57(9).
Martin, C. and Myers, M. (2019) Connecting culturally sustaining pedagogy and intentional internship placements in PDS and partnership schools. PDS Partners 14(2) 1-2., 1-13.
Martin, C., & Polly, D. (2019). Examining the use of multiple writing and discourse tasks in 5th grade mathematics. The Journal of Educational Research.
Martin, C.S., Polly, D., Mraz, M.& Algozzine, R. (2019) Examining focus, duration, and classroom impact of literacy and mathematics professional development. Teacher Development.
Martin, C.S. & Kissel, B., & Polly (2018) Writers’ Workshop in Mathematics: How to implement writing in mathematics for elementary and middle school students. Talking Points.
Martin, C.S., Polly, D., Mraz, M.& Algozzine, R. (2018). Teacher perspectives on literacy and mathematics professional development. Issues in Teacher Education, 27(1),94-105.
Polly, D., Wang, C., Martin, C. L., Lambert, R. G., & Pugalee, D. K. (2017). The influence of internet-based formative assessment in primary grades on students’ number sense achievement. School Science and Mathematics Journal. 117(3/4), 127-136. doi:10.1111/ssm.12214.
Polly, D., Wang, C., Martin, C., Lambert, R., Pugalee, D., & Middleton, K. (2017). The influence of mathematics professional development, school-level, and teacher-level variables on primary students' mathematics achievement. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-15.
Martin, C.S., Lambert, R.G., Polly, D., Wang, C. (2016). The measurement properties of the assessing math concepts’ assessments of primary students’ number sense skills. Journal of Applied Measurement, 17 (3), 354-364.
Martin, C.S, Polly, D. & Kissel, B. (2016). Exploring the impact of written reflections on learning in the elementary mathematics classroom. The Journal of Educational Research 1-16 DOI 10.1080/00220671.2016.1149793.
Martin C.S. & Polly, D. (2016). Examining the impact of writing and literacy connections on mathematics learning. Investigations in Mathematics 8(3), 59-74.
Martin, C. S., Polly, D., Wang, C., & Lambert, R. G., & Pugalee D. (2016). Perspectives and practices of elementary teachers using an internet-based formative assessment tool: The case of Assessing Mathematics Concepts. International Journal of Technology in Mathematics Education, 23 (1) 3-11.
Polly, D., Wang, C., Mcgee, J., Lambert, R., Martin, C.S., Pugalee, D. (2016). Designing curriculum-based mathematics professional development for kindergarten teachers: Framework, findings, and implications. Early Childhood Education Journal, 45(5) 659- 669. 10.1007/s10643-016-0810-1
Miller, B. and Martin, C. (2016). Digital science notebooks in the early childhood classroom: Supporting science and engineering design practices through digital literacy. Science and Children 4-9.
Martin, C. L. (2015). Writing as a tool to demonstrate mathematical understanding. School Science and Mathematics, 115(6), 302-313.
Martin, C., Polly, D., McGee, J., Wang, C., Lambert, R., & Pugalee, D. (2015). Exploring the relationship between questioning, enacted mathematical tasks, and mathematical discourse in elementary school mathematics. The Mathematics Educator, 24 (2), 3-27.
Polly, D., Mraz, M., Martin, C.S., Algozzine, B. (2015). Perceptions of the roles and responsibilities of elementary school mathematics coaches. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. 4 (2), 126-141.
Polly, McGee, Wang, Martin, Lambert, & Pugalee (2015). Linking professional development, teacher outcomes, and student achievement: The case of a learner-centered mathematics program for elementary school teachers. International Journal of Educational Research, 72, 26-37.
Polly, D., Martin, C. Wang, C. Lambert, R. & Pugalee, D. (2015). Primary grades teachers' instructional decisions during online mathematics professional development activities. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-13.
Hathaway, J., Martin, C.S., Mraz, M. (2015). Roles of literacy coaches: Does reality match research? Reading Psychology. 37, (2), 230-256.
Polly, D., Wang, C., McGee, J.R., Lambert, R.G., Martin, C.S., Pugalee, D.K. (2014). Examining the influence of a curriculum-based elementary mathematics professional development program. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 28, (3), 327-343.
Wang, C., Polly, D., Lehew, A., Pugalee, D., Lambert, R., & Martin, C. S. (2013). Supporting teachers’ enactment of elementary school student-centered mathematics pedagogies: The evaluation of a curriculum-focused professional development program. New Waves- Educational Research & Development, 16, 76-91.
Polly, D., Wang, C., Lambert, R., Martin, C., McGee, J. R., Pugalee, D., & Lehew, A. (2013). Supporting kindergarten teachers’ mathematics instruction and student achievement through a curriculum-based professional development program. Early Childhood Education Journal, 1-11.
Martin, C. L., Harbour, K. E., & Polly, D. (2021). Transitioning the Elementary Mathematics Classroom
to Virtual Learning: Exploring the Perspectives and Experiences of Teachers. In A.
Slapac, P. Balcerzak, & K. O'Brien (Ed.), Handbook of Research on the Global Empowerment of Educators and Student Learning Through
Action Research (pp. 343- 365). IGI Global.
Braden, E. Martin, C, Meyer, M, White, B, & Mills, H (2021) Building a culture of literacy in a community and school by uplifting student voice. Current Perspectives on School/University/Community Research series. Charlotte, NC: IAP Publishing Inc
Miller, B. & Martin. C. & Spence,L. (2020) Utilizing Project-Based Learning to Enhance scientific literacy. In Eds Defining Scientific Literacy in the 21st Century.
Polly, D. & Martin, C. (2020). Design case for asynchronous online professional development in primary grades mathematics. In M.J. Bishop, E. Boling, J. Elen, & V. Svihla (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology. New York: Springer.
Martin, C. & Polly, D. (2020) Embedding formative assessment in the mathematics classroom through writing, discourse, and the use of digital tools: Embedding formative assessment in the mathematics classroom. In Martin, C., Polly, D, & Lambert, R. (Eds.), Handbook of Research of Formative Assessment in Pre-K Through Elementary Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Martin, C., Polly, D. Wang, C., Lambert, R., and Pugalee D. (2019) What do primary teachers take away from mathematics professional development? In Polly, D., Martin, C.& K. Dikilitas (2019) Handbook of Research on Educator Preparation and Professional Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Polly, D. Martin C., Wang, C., Lambert, R., and Pugalee,D. (2019) Supporting teachers’ Use of standards-based mathematics pedagogies: Leveraging learner centered professional development efforts. In Polly, D., Martin, C.& K. Dikilitas (2019) Handbook of Research on Educator Preparation and Professional Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Martin, C. & Myers, M. (2019) Examining culturally relevant pedagogy through intentional internship placements within partnership and PDS schools. In P. Robinson, A. Allen-Handy, A. Bryant and C. Lewis, Global Perspectives on Issues and Solutions in Urban Education Charlotte, NC: IAP Publishing Inc.
Polly, D., Martin, C.S., Wang, C., Lambert, R., Pugalee, D., & Middleton, K.(2016). The influence of formative assessment professional development on primary grades teachers’ TPACK. In M., Neiss, S. Driskell, & Hollebrands, K., The Handbook of Research on Transforming Mathematics Teacher Education in the Digital Age Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Polly, D. Martin, C.S., Wang, C., Lambert, R. & Pugalee, D. (2015). Supporting the enactment of standards-based mathematics pedagogies: The cases of the the CoDE-I and APLUS Projects. In J. Keengwe Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for Stem Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Martin, C.S., Polly, D., Wang, C., Lambert, R., & Pugalee, D. (2015). Primary grades teacher’ fidelity of teaching practices during mathematics professional development. In J. Keengwe Innovative Professional Development Methods and Strategies for Stem Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
*Martin, C.S. & Polly, D. (2015). Using the AMC Anywhere web-based assessment system to examine primary students’ understanding of number sense. In D. Polly (Ed.), Cases on Technology Integration in Mathematics Education (pp. 366-377). Hershey: PA: IGI Global.
Wang, C., Wen, M., Martin, C. (2015). Chinese and American education: History and current challenges. In Wang, C., Wen, M., Martin, C. Chinese Education from the Perspectives of American Educators. Charlotte, NC: IAP Publishing Inc.
Martin, C., Wang, C., & Wen, M. (2015). Implications for Chinese and American Educational Thinking and Practices. In Wang, C., Wen, M., Martin, C. Chinese Education from the Perspectives of American Educators. Charlotte, NC: IAP Publishing Inc.
Martin, C. S. & Polly, D. (2013). Supporting the Common Core State Standards in mathematics through mathematics journals. In D. Polly (Ed.), Common Core Mathematics Standards and Implementing Digital Technologies. Hershey, PA: IGI Global
Martin, C. S. & Polly, D. (2013). Employing digital tools to support writing in mathematics and the implementation of the common core standards. In B. Anderson & C. Mims (Ed.), Digital Tools for Writing Instruction in K-12 Settings: Student Perception and Experience. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Fulbright Scholar- Norway 2018-2018 Research proposal: Examining the use of observation tools to construct and define effective mathematics instruction: What is gained and lost in translation across school settings?
2018 RCML (Research Council of Mathematics Learning) Memorial Scholarship