College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management
Faculty and Staff
Jiyeon Kim, Ph.D.
Title: | Associate Professor |
Department: | Department of Retailing College of Hospitality, Retail and Sport Management |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-6774 |
Fax: | 803-777-4357 |
Office: | Close-Hipp 707 |
Resources: | Curriculum Vitae |

Ph.D., Auburn University, Auburn, Ala.
M.S., University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.
B.S., American InterContinental University, Atlanta, Ga.
B.S., Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea
FIK Certification, Fashion Institute of Kolon, Seoul, Korea
Jiyeon Kim, Ph.D. is an associate professor in the Department of Retailing at the University of South Carolina. Kim holds degrees in apparel merchandising and retail management, fashion merchandising, fashion design and marketing, and clothing and textiles. She teaches in the areas of retail promotion, international retailing and retail shopper analysis. Her research interests include impulse buying behavior, visual merchandising, and online retailing and consumer behavior. In 2006, Kim received the Lectra Innovation Award for Faculty Research from the International Textiles and Apparel Association for her excellence in research. Her research is published in journals, such as the International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management and Psychology and Marketing, as well as in various national and international conference proceedings.
- Online retailing and product visualization technologies
- Online consumer behavior
- Visual merchandising
- Impulse buying behavior
Honors and awards
- Lectra Innovation Award for Faculty Research, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Conference, San Antonio, Texas (2006)
- Best Paper Award, European Association of Education and Research in Commercial Distribution Annual Conference, London, U.K. (2006)
- Director's Award, 13th Annual National Textile Center forum, Raleigh, N.C. (2005)
- RETL 363 – Textiles for Retailers
- RETL 369 – Retail Promotion
- RETL 399 – Independent Study
- RETL 425 – Retail Shopper Analysis
- RETL 745 – International Retailing
- RETL 798 – Directed Study
- RETL 799 – Thesis Preparation
Sinha, J and Kim, J. (2012). "Factors influencing online shopping behavior of Indian consumers." Innovative Marketing Journal, 8 (2), 44-55.
Kim, J. (2012). "Gender difference in usage of IPS." Innovative Marketing Journal, 8 (1), 80-92.
Kim, J., and Forsythe. S. (2010). "Adoption of dynamic product imagery for online shopping: Does age matter?" International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research. 20(4), 449-467.
Kim, J., and Forsythe. S. (2010). "Factors affecting adoption of product virtualization technology for online consumer electronics shopping." International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 38(3), 190-204.
Kim, J., and Forsythe. S. (2009). "Adoption of sensory enabling technology (SET): The usage of SET for online apparel shopping." European Journal of Marketing, 43 (9/10), 1101-1120.
Kim, J., and Forsythe. S. (2008). "Adoption of virtual try-on technology for online apparel shopping." Journal of Interactive Marketing. 22(2), 45-59.
Kim, J., and Forsythe. S. (2008). "Sensory enabling technology acceptance model (SE-TAM): multiple-group structural model comparison." Psychology and Marketing, 25(9), 901-922.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2007). "Hedonic usage of product virtualization technologies in online apparel shopping." Accepted for the publication in the International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 35(6), 502-514.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2008). "Consumer acceptance of dynamic product imagery for online shopping." American Marketing Association (AMA) Summer Educators Conference. San Diego, Calif. Full paper published in proceedings of AMA.
Kim, J., and Forsythe. S. (In press). "Sensory enabling technology acceptance model (SE-TAM): multiple-group structural model comparison." Psychology and Marketing.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2007). "Understanding shoppers' perceptions about product visualization technologies for online apparel shopping." International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference. Los Angeles, Calif. Abstract published in proceedings of ITAA.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2007). "Adoption of virtual try-on technology for online apparel shopping." American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) Spring Conference. Chicago, Ill.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2006). "Sensory enabling technology acceptance model (SE-TAM): Multiple-group structural model comparison." American Collegiate Retailing Association (ACRA) Spring Conference. Fayetteville, Ark.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2006). "Adoption of sensory enabling technology (SET): The usage of SET for online apparel shopping." International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas. Received 2006 Lectra Innovation Award for Faculty Research.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2006). "Hedonic usage of product virtualization technologies in online apparel shopping." European Association of Education for Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD) Annual Conference. London, England. Received Best Paper Award.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2005). "Sensory enabling technology acceptance model: Functional and hedonic roles." American Collegiate Retailing Association Winter Conference (ACRA). New York, N.Y. Full paper published in proceedings of ACRA.
Kim, J., and Forsythe, S. (2005). "Adoption of sensory enabling technology in online apparel shopping: A conceptual model." 84th Textile Institute Annual World Conference (TIAWC), Raleigh, N.C.
Kim, J., and Burgess, B. (2005). "Impact of visual merchandising on college students' impulse buying behavior in apparel shopping situations." International Textiles and Apparel Association (ITAA) Annual Conference. Alexandria, Va.
Kim, J., and Burgess, B. (2005). "Consumers' impulse buying behavior in relation to visual merchandising." Auburn University Graduate Student Council Research Forum, Auburn Ala.
Forsythe, S., Kim, J., Petee, T, and Kim, J. (2005). "Modeling consumer behavior in on-line environments." NTC project S02-AC23. 13th Annual National Textile Center (NTC) Forum, Raleigh, N.C. Received Director's award.
Selected grants and projects
- Kim, J. (2010). University of South Carolina College of HRSM Internal grant for Faculty Research Object interactivity and Millennial shoppers' perceptions about interactive product virtualization technologies.
- Kim, J., and Kim, J-H. (2007). University of South Carolina College of HRSM Internal grant for Faculty Research 2007-2008.
- Kim, J. (2006). University of South Carolina College of HRSM Internal grant for Faculty Research 2006-2007.
Professional affiliations
- American Marketing Association
- American Collegiate and Retailing Association
- International Textile and Apparel Association