College of Nursing
Faculty and Staff
Robin Dail, PhD, RN, FAAN
Title: | Health Sciences Endowed Professor and Director, Perinatal, Pediatrics & Family Research
Center |
Department: | Biobehavioral Health & Nursing Science College of Nursing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-576-6187 |
Fax: | 803-777-0550 |
Office: |
College of Nursing |

Robin Dail PhD, RN, FAAN earned her Associate Degree in Nursing from University of Nevada, Las Vegas, her MSN as a neonatal nurse practitioner from East Carolina University and her PhD in nursing from University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Dr. Dail comes to the University of South Carolina, College of Nursing from Duke University’s School of Nursing and School of Medicine. A Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Faculty Scholar (2010-2013) and Amy V. Cockcroft Leadership fellow (2016-2017), she has also held positions as President of the Beta Epsilon Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society and Chair of American Nurses Foundation Nursing Research Grant Review Committee. Dr. Dail was inducted into the American Academy of Nursing in 2014.
Dr. Dail has extensive teaching experience in the masters and PhD programs in nursing. She has served as Dissertation Chair for PhD students, Project Chair for DNP students and Honor Student’s Thesis Chair for studies in the areas of neonatal management and physiological case study design. Dr. Dail guides students in research practicums at every level.
Dr. Dail’s research interests focus on decreasing morbidity and mortality in premature infants through studies of thermal physiology and management. She has expertise in longitudinal data collection, case study design, observational methods, clinical trials, as well as global health research. Dr. Dail’s research has been funded by National Institute of Nursing Research, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, March of Dimes, AWHONN, G.E Healthcare and National Association of Neonatal Nursing.
Dr. Dail has presented her research nationally and internationally in Australia, Ireland, France and Rwanda. She has published over 35 original articles and book chapters and is sought after as an expert in neonatal thermal management.
Professional Service
Dr Dail is a member of the following professional organizations:
- American Academy of Nursing
- American Physiological Society
- Association of Women’s Health, Obstetrics and Neonatal Nursing
- Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science
- National Association of Neonatal Nurses
- Sigma Theta Tau International Nursing Honor Society
- Southern Nursing Research Society
Professional Practice
Dr. Dail has practiced as a RN in neonatal intensive care for 14 years and a neonatal nurse practitioner for an additional 15 years.
Research Studies (Selected)
Title of Project: Central & peripheral body temperature in VLBW preterm infants during the neonatal period: Relationship to neonatal infection and necrotizing enterocolitis. NIH/NINR $2,893,400 (09/26/2018-06/30/2023). Role-Principal Investigator.
Title of Project: Following real time central and peripheral temperature in VLBW preterm infants for negative temperature differential in relationship to clinical context over the first 4 weeks of life. GE Healthcare-$145,210 (02/01/2018-01/31/2019). Role- Principal Investigator.
Title of Project: Temperature Monitoring with InnerSense Esophageal Temperature Probe/feeding Tube After Birth Through Stabilization in VLBW Infants. Philips Healthcare-$167,391 (09/11/2014-09/10/2016). Role-Principal Investigator.
Title of Project: Temperature & Vasomotor Tone During the First 5 days in Preterms Less Than 1000g. National Institute of Health/National Institute of Nursing Research-$317,896 (03/15/2010-09/28/2013). Role-Principal Investigator.
Title of Project: Maturation of Body Temperature and Peripheral Blood Flow in Preterm Infants. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - $300,000 (09/01/2010-08/31/2013). Role-Principal Investigator.
Publications (selected)
Everhart, K. C., Iskersky, V. N., Donevant, S. B., Wirth, M. D., & Dail, R. B. (2020). Exploring contributing factors to the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis in very preterm infants: An adaptation of Neuman’s Systems Theory. (In Press). Nursing Science Quarterly.
Ralphe, J. L., Silva, S. G., Dail, R. B. & Brandon, D. H. (2020). Body Temperature Instability and Respiratory Morbidity in the Very Low Birth Weight Infant: A Multiple Case, Intensive Longitudinal Study. (In Press) Biological Research for Nursing.
Ralphe, J. L., Silva, S. G., Dail, R. B., & Brandon, Debra. H. (2020) The Association Between Very Premature Infant Body Temperatures Over Time and Respiratory Care. (In Press). BMC Pediatrics.
Dail, R. B., Everhart, K., Hardin, J., Chang, W., Kuehn, D., Iskersky, V. Fisher, K. & Murphy, H. J. (2020). Predicting Infection in Very Preterm Infants: A Study Protocol. (In Press) Nursing Research.
Everhart, K., Donevant, S., Wirth, M., & Dail, R. B. (2020, In Press). Examining etiological pathways to necrotizing enterocolitis in very preterm infants. Journal of Neonatal Nursing.
Dail, R. B., Tavakoli, A. S., Moseley, S. L., Bergstedt, V. B., Kuehn, D., & Chang, W. (2020, In Press) Examining the use of dual point temperature display in servo-control with early preterm infants. Advances in Neonatal Care
Dail, R. B., Tavakoli, A. S., Moseley, S. L., Bergstedt, V. B., Kuehn, D., & Chang, W. (2020, In Press) Examining the use of dual point temperature display in servo-control with early preterm infants. Advances in Neonatal Care.
Pinto, B. M., Dail, R. B., Andrews, J. O. (2020, In Press). Strengthening collaborative research and scholarship in a college of nursing. Journal of Professional Nursing.
Brick, J. M., Dail, R. B., Priode, K., Wirth, M. & Ricardo, Y. (2019). A practice change to eliminate prophylactic antibiotics for elective percutaneous nephrostomy tube exchanges in low risk outpatients: A retrospective review on risk for infection. Journal of Nursing Radiology, 38, (4), 241-249.
Andrews, J. A., Corbett, C., Dail, R. B., & Pinto, B. M. (2019). Rebuilding the research enterprise of a historical research intensive college of nursing. Nursing Outlook, 67 (3), 232-243. PMID: 30826008; DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2019.01.002.
Priode, K., Dail, R. & Swanson, M. (2018). Nonacademic factors that influence nontraditional nursing student retention. Nursing Education Perspectives 41 (4), 246-248. DOI: 10.1097/01.nep.0000000000000577 PMID: 31609822
Harriman, T., Carter, B., Dail, R. B., & Stowell, K. (2018). Golden hour protocol for preterm infants: A quality improvement project. Advances in Neonatal Nursing; DOI: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000554. Ahead of print, 2018.
Ralphe, J. & Knobel-Dail, R. B., (2018), Temperature and Humidity from Artificial Ventilation in the Premature Infant: A Review of the Literature. Advances in Neonatal Nursing, June 21. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000000519. [Epub ahead of print].
Ralphe, J. & Knobel-Dail, R. B., (2017), Temperature and Humidity from Artificial Ventilation in the Premature Infant: A Review of the Literature. Advances in Neonatal Nursing (In Press).
Knobel-Dail, R. B., Sloane, R., Holditch-Davis, D. & Tanaka, D. T. (2017). Abnormal thermal patterns in very preterm infants associated with infection and maternal smoking. Nursing Research, 66 (6), 442-453. PMID: 29095375. DOI: 10.1097/NNR.0000000000000250.
Knobel-Dail, R. B., Holditch-Davis, D., Sloane, R., Guenther, B., & Katz, Laurence. (2017). Body temperature in premature infants during the first week of life: Exploration using infrared thermal imaging. Journal of Thermal Biology, 69m 118-123.
Knobel-Dail, R. B., Tanaka, D. T., Holditch-Davis, D., White, J. T. (2016). Perfusion index in very low birth weight premature infants during their first two week of life. Biological Research for Nursing, E. pub ahead of print. PMID: 27352610.
Knobel, R. B., Guenther, B. D., & Rice, H. E. (2011). Thermoregulation and thermography in neonatal physiology and disease. Biological Research for Nursing, 13(3), 274-282. PMCID: PMC3775585.
Knobel, R. B., Holditch-Davis, D., Schwartz, T. A. (2010). Optimal body temperature in transitional extremely low birth weight infants using heart rate and temperature as indicators. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecological & Neonatal Nursing, 39(1), 3-14. PMCID: PMC3864588.
Knobel, R. B., Holditch-Davis, D., Schwartz, T. A., & Wimmer, J. E. Jr. (2009). Extremely low birth weight preterm infants lack vasomotor response in relationship to cold body temperatures at birth. Journal of Perinatology, 29(12), 814-821. PMCID: PMC2787712.
Knobel, R. & Holditch-Davis, D. (2007). Thermoregulation and heat loss prevention after birth and during neonatal-intensive-care unit stabilization of extremely low-birthweight infants. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecological & Neonatal Nursing, 36(3), 280-287. PMID: 17489935.
Knobel, R. B., Wimmer, J. E. Jr., & Holbert, D. (2005). Heat loss prevention for preterm infants in the delivery room. Journal of Perinatology, 25(5), 304-308. PMID: 15861196.
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