Graduate Student Handbook
Access the most current information related to graduate degree studies. The graduate student handbook contains everything from academic standards to required courses.
Ph.D. candidates in the Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences track embark on research training which encompasses the understanding of disease mechanisms and drug toxicity and the design and development of pharmaceutical and anti-cancer agents.
Graduate students at the University of South Carolina College of Pharmacy are exposed to interdisciplinary training and education in pursuit of an advanced degree in the pharmaceutical sciences. The Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences track of the Pharmaceutical Sciences doctorate program is offered by the College of Pharmacy's Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences.
Candidates embark on research training which encompasses the understanding of disease mechanisms and drug toxicity and the design and development of pharmaceutical and anti-cancer agents. This training in the physical and biological sciences applies to health-related research, enabling degree holders to pursue careers in academia, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry, or government agencies.
The Graduate Admissions Committee in the Department of Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences reviews all applicants to the Ph.D. program.
The following are the basic requirements for admission:
Credentials for admission must include a complete record of all previous college or university work. An undergraduate degree in pharmacy or in the supporting sciences, such as chemistry or biology, is recommended.
Candidates may apply for admission at any time during the year; however, notification of acceptance will normally be made only in March/April for matriculation the following Fall semester.
All students must be admitted by the Dean of the Graduate School, following the recommendation of the appropriate school or college. Information regarding programs, policies, and admission processes is available on the Graduate School website.
Admission is for the specific purpose stated by the Graduate School and the student must reapply in order to pursue further study or change the degree sought. Non-degree students must also be admitted to the Graduate School.
International Students
Students whose native language is not English must take a diagnostic test to assess their capabilities in English shortly after arrival on campus. English speaking capability will be assessed in a mandatory workshop held by the Graduate School in August or January of each year. Those students found to be deficient in writing, reading or speaking English are provided opportunities for further study.
The average length of time to complete a Ph.D. at the USC College of Pharmacy is five to six years. All graduate students, in consultation with their major advisor and advisory committee, must develop an individualized program of study by the end of their second year.
General Requirements
All students must successfully complete at least 60 hours of graduate course work. Ph.D. candidates are required to complete four departmental seminar courses (PHAR 712A-D) for a maximum of 4 credit hours.
An average grade of “B” or better is required in all courses within a student’s program of study and grades below "C" are considered as failure. See the Graduate Student Handbook [pdf] for required and elective courses.
Research Activity
Every graduate student in Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences is expected to maintain a vigorous research program. This is demonstrated through the submission of abstracts and presentation of posters and talks at national and international meetings, as well as participation in the preparation of manuscripts submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals.
All students are required to submit a dissertation based upon original research, meeting all requirements of the Graduate School, and at least one manuscript for publication prior to award of the degree.
The following is a brief outline of the steps required during the completion of the Drug Discovery and Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. program:
The College of Pharmacy awards a number of instructional and/or research assistantships to graduate students. Visit the Graduate School website to learn more about paying for graduate school.
Casey Smith, MFA, Graduate Program Administrative Coordinator