Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing
Faculty and Staff
Grigory Simin
Title: | Undergraduate Director, Electrical Engineering Professor |
Department: | Electrical Engineering Molinaroli College of Engineering and Computing |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-777-0986 |
Fax: | 803-777-8045 |
Office: |
Swearingen |

Research Interests
- 1998-Present: Wide bandgap materials and devices, III-Nitride power microwave devices and ICs
- 1971–1998: Gunn effect devices, GaAs FETs, microwave and optical integrated circuits, semiconductor lasers
- MS, EE: Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute, Leningrad, Russia, 1971
- PhD, Physics: Semiconductors and Dielectrics, GIRICOND Science & Research Institute, Leningrad, Russia, 1979
Representative Publications
- R. Gaska, M. Gaevski, R. Jain, J. Deng, M. Islam, G. Simin, M. Shur, Novel AlInN/GaN integrated circuits operating up to 500 C, Solid-State Electronics 113 (2015) 22–27
- M. Gaevski, J. Deng, A. Dobrinsky, R. Gaska, M. Shur, and G. Simin, Static and transient characteristics of GaN power HFETs with low-conducting coating, Phys. Status Solidi C 11, No. 3–4, 866–870 (2014)
- M. Gaevski, J. Deng, R. Gaska, M. Shur, and G. Simin, GaN microwave varactors with insulated electrodes, Phys. Status Solidi C 11, No. 3–4, 898–901 (2014)
- Simin, G.S. ; Islam, M. ; Gaevski, M. ; Deng, J. ; Gaska, R. ; Shur, M.S., Low RC-Constant Perforated-Channel HFET, IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 35 , Issue: 4, pp: 449 - 451 (2014)
- G Simin, F Jahan, J Yang, M Gaevski, X Hu, J Deng, R Gaska and M Shur, III-nitride microwave control devices and ICs, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 28 (2013) 074008 (8pp)
- F. Jahan, Y.-H.Yang, ,M. Gaevski, J. Deng, R. Gaska, M. Shur and G. Simin, 2- to 20-GHz Switch Using III-Nitride Capacitively Coupled Contact Varactors, IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., V.34, pp 208-210 (2013)
- F. Jahan, M. Gaevski, J. Deng, R. Gaska, M. Shur and G. Simin, RF Power Limiter using Capacitively -Coupled Contacts III-Nitride Varactor, Electronics Letters, Vol. 48 No. 23, pp. 1480-1481 (2012)
- B.M. Khan, G. S. Simin, Third-order nonlinearity compensation in field effect transistors, Electron. Lett. V. 47, Issue 24, p.1343–1345 (2011)
Representative Presentations
- Kawser Ahmed, Stephen R. Anderson, Michael R. Giordano, M. Islam, G. Simin, and M. Shur, Thermal Breakdown of III-N HEMTs on different substrates, 2016 Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices, Aug, 2nd - 4th, 2016, Lehigh Univ. Bethlehem, PA, USA
- M. Islam, G. Simin, N. Tipirneni, J. Joh, V. Krishnamurthy, S. Pendharkar, Drain - Bulk Leakage Current Mechanisms and Model for Power GaN HEMT on Si Substrate, 2015 International Conference on Compound Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology (CSMANTECH-2015), May 18th – 21st, 2015, Hyatt Regency Scottsdale, Resort & Spa at Gainey Ranch Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
- M. Shur, M. Gaevski, R. Gaska, G. Simin, H. Wong, N. Braga, and R. Mickevicius, (Invited) Power Loss Reduction in Perforated-Channel HFET Switches, ECS Trans. 2015 66(1): 179-183; doi:10.1149/06601.0179ecst
- M. Shur, G. Simin, and R. Gaska, New Approaches to Realizing High Power Nitride Based Field Effect Transistors (Invited) ECS Trans. 2014 64(17): 29-34; doi:10.1149/06417.0029ecst 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting, October 5, 2014 - October 9, 2014, Cancun, Mexico
- M. Shur, M. Gaevski, J. Deng, R. Gaska, H. Wong, N. Braga, V. Mickevicius, and G. Simin, Superior Frequency Characteristics of Perforated Channel HFET, The Lester Eastman Conference on High Performance Devices, 5 – 7 Aug. 2014, Cornell Univ. p.S4-P4
- G. Simin, Effect of bulk conductance on GaN on Silicon HFET device performance, WOCSEMMAD 2015, February 16-19, 2015, The Wild Dunes, Isle of Palms, SC
- M. Islam, G. Simin, Bulk Current in Power GaN HFETs on Silicon, WOCSEMMAD 2015, February 16-19, 2015, The Wild Dunes, Isle of Palms, SC
Courses Taught
- ELCT 102 - Electrical Science lectures
- ELCT 221 - Electric Circuits lectures
- ELCT 563 - Semiconductor Devices lectures
- ELCT 566 - Optoelectronic Devices lectures (2008)
- ELCT 871 - Advances in Semiconductor Devices lectures (Deng, Simin - 2006)
- ELCT 882 - High-speed Semiconductor Devices lectures (2005)
- 2011-Present: Professor w. tenure, University of South Carolina
- 2005-2011: Associate Professor w. tenure, University of South Carolina
- 2001-2005: Tenure-track Associate Professor, University of South Carolina
- 1998-2001: Research Associate Prof., University of South Carolina
- 1997-1998: Senior Research Scientist, A. F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, St. Petersburg, Russia
- 1971-1997: Senior Research Scientist, GIRICOND Science & Research Institute, Ministry of Electronic Industry, Leningrad, St. Petersburg, Russia
Memberships, Honors and Professional Services
- IEEE Senior Member
- M. Mungo Undergraduate Teaching Award, USC, 2008
- Research Progress Award, COEIT, USC April 2005
- Bestselling Backlist, 2002. Listing the book Getting to Know Semiconductors by M.E. Levinshtein and G. S. Simin
- Best INVITED paper WOFE-02 Asif Khan, J. W. Yang, G. Simin, R. Gaska and M. S. Shur, "Strain Energy band Engineering Approach to AlN/GaN/InN Heterojunction Devices"
- Best Paper WOFE-02 L. Rumyantsev, M. Shur, R. Gaska, M.E . Levinshtein, M. A. Khan, G. Simin, J. W. Yang, "Low Frequency Noise in Gallium Nitride Field-Effect Transistors"
- The Senior Scientist Certificate from The Supreme Classification Board of the Council of Ministers of USSR, 1985
- 2003-Present: Chair of the Faculty Hiring Committee, College of Engineering and Computing (CEC), USC
- Member of the CEC Faculty Hiring Committees on Computational Nanoscience, Photovoltaics, Brain Plasticity
- Member of the EE Department Undergraduate and Graduate Advisory committees
- Editor in Chief, IEEE Sensor Council web site
- Reviewer for IEEE Journals, Applied phys. Letters, Journal Appl. Phys, Solid-State Electronics, Electronics Letters and others