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School of Medicine Columbia

    Applied Biotechnology Program

    The Applied Biotechnology program provides firsthand training on a range of techniques and equipment widely utilized in research laboratories and biotechnology industries around the world.


    According to Acumen Research and Consulting, …

    • The Global Biotechnology Market Size was 372.8 billion USD in 2021.
    • Estimations of a 15.5% compound annual growth rate (cagr) puts the market size at approximately 1.345 trillion USD by 2030.
    • North America accounted for 44% of the total market share in 2021.
    • Read More Here

    Courses Offered

    Microscopy is an ever-changing field of study with new technological advancements occurring regularly. This course takes a deep dive into some of the new and upcoming biotechnology that is not housed in the Instrumentation Resource Facility. Content varies by year. Class may be repeated a maximum of two times.

    Syllabus Information

    Histology to confocal microscopy. Through the combination of lecture and laboratory learning, students will leave this class understanding the scientific principles underlying the techniques as well as hands-on training for sample preparation, histology, confocal microscopy, and image analysis.

    Syllabus Information

    Molecular methods. Students will be introduced to and trained in molecular techniques that could be utilized in a proteomics or genomics laboratory, including cell culture, RNA isolation and quantification, cDNA synthesis, PCR (quantitative, real-time, and endpoint), in situ hybridization, and molecular cloning.

    Syllabus Information

    Electron microscopy. Through the combination of lecture and laboratory learning, students will leave this class understanding the scientific principles underlying the techniques as well as hands-on training for transmission electron and scanning electron microscopy sample preparation and imaging.

    Syllabus Information

    Advanced molecular methods. Students will be introduced to and trained in advanced molecular techniques that could be utilized in a proteomics or genomics laboratory, including SDS PAGE, Western blot, ELISA, and Flow Cytometry.

    Syllabus Information

    This FREE intensive 4-day (4 hours daily) workshop offers an introduction and hands-on
    experience with cutting-edge microscopy techniques, including:

    • Basic microscopy techniques and the core facility environment
    • Live-cell imaging for dynamic biological processes
    • Confocal microscopy for high-resolution, three-dimensional imaging
    • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) for detailed surface structure

    The Undergraduate Microscopy Workshop is open to students who

    • Are rising sophomores, juniors, and seniors at any USC campus in a science-related major
    • Have successfully completed at least 2 lab-based science courses
    • Have a minimum GPA of 3.0
    • Note: Prior research experience recommended but not required

    Location: Instrumentation Resource Facility at the USC School of Medicine Columbia


    1. Student applicants must complete the required application (Link Below).
    2. A recommendation from a USC faculty member is required (this may be a professor from a class you have taken or a faculty research mentor you have worked with) prior to the application deadline.
    3. Deadline: February 28, 2025
    4. Students will be notified the week of March 17th

    Undergraduate Microscopy Workshop Flyer

    Student Application Form

    Faculty Recommendation Form

    Please contact Austin Worden for any questions!


    Challenge the conventional. Create the exceptional. No Limits.
