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- Edie Goldsmith
Faculty and Staff
Edie Goldsmith
Title: | Department Chair Cell Biology & Anatomy Biomedical Science Graduate Director, Director and Principal Investigator, SC INBRE |
Department: | Cell Biology & Anatomy School of Medicine Columbia |
Email: | |
Phone: | 803-216-3809 |
Fax: | 803-216-3846 |
Office: |
Cell Biology & Anatomy |

1990 College of Charleston – Bachelors of Science – Biochemistry
1996 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill – Ph.D. – Chemistry
1999 University of South Carolina– Post Doctoral Fellow – Biology & School of Medicine
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a dynamic network consisting of structural proteins (collagens), glycoproteins and proteoglycans that provide a positional framework for cellular organization, cellular process cues (signals for proliferation, migration and differentiation) and a mechanism to transmit mechanical stimuli from one cell to another. Fibroblasts are the cell type largely responsible for the deposition and maintenance of the ECM in many organs and their transition into myofibroblast phenotype is associated with a number of fibrotic diseases in which excess ECM impairs normal organ function. Our interest is in understanding factors which affect the transition of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts and developing tools for regulating matrix production by these cells. We are currently examining fibroblast/myofibroblast behavior in the context of heart development and cancer. Of particular interest is the role that intercellular communication and local mechanical environment play in fibroblast/myofibroblast function. We have demonstrated that polyelectrolyte-coated gold nanorods have the ability to modulate collagen production and fibroblast transition into myofibroblast and are exploring the use of these particles in regulating additional cellular functions.
Selected Publications
- Sisco PN, Wilson CG, Chernak D, Clark JC, Grzincic EM, Ako-Asare K, Goldsmith EC, Murphy CJ (2014) Adsorption of cellular proteins to polyelectrolyte-functionalized gold nanorods: a mechanism for nanoparticle regulation of cell phenotype? PLoS One 9:e86670.
- Goldsmith EC, Bradshaw AD, Zile MR, Spinale FG (2014) Myocardial fibroblast-matrix interactions and potential therapeutic targets. J Mol Cell Cardiol 70:92-99.
- Chernak DJ, Sisco PN, Goldsmith EC, Baxter SC, Murphy CJ (2013) High-aspect-ratio gold nanorods: their synthesis and application to image cell-induced strain fields in collagen films. Methods Mol Biol. 1026:1-20.
- Fowlkes V, Wilson CG, Carver W, Goldsmith EC (2013) Mechanical loading promotes mast cell degranulation via RGD-integrin dependent pathways. J Biomech 46:788-795.
- Fowlkes V, Clark J, Fix C, Law BA, Morales MO, Qiao X, Ako-Asare K, Goldsmith JG, Carver W, Murray DB, Goldsmith EC (2013) Type II diabetes promotes a myofibroblast phenotype in cardiac fibroblasts. Life Sci 92:669-676.
- Goldsmith EC, Bradshaw AD, Spinale FG (2013) Cellular mechanisms of tissue fibrosis. 2. Contributory pathways leading to myocardial fibrosis: moving beyond collagen expression. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 304:C393-402.
- Shuman JA, Zurcher JR, Sapp AA, Burdick JA, Gorman RC, Gorman JH 3rd, Goldsmith EC, Spinale FG (2013) Localized targeting of biomaterials following myocardial infarction: a foundation to build on. Trends Cardiovasc Med 23:301-311.
- Chernak DJ, Sisco PN, Goldsmith EC, Baxter SC, Murphy CJ. 2013 High-aspect-ratio gold nanorods: their synthesis and application to image cell-induced strain fields in collagen films. Methods Mol Biol. 1026:1-20.
- Fowlkes V, Wilson CG, Carver W, Goldsmith EC. 2013. Mechanical loading promotes mast cell degranulation via RGD-integrin dependent pathways. J Biomech 46:788-795.
- Fowlkes V, Clark J, Fix C, Law BA, Morales MO, Qiao X, Ako-Asare K, Goldsmith JG, Carver W, Murray DB, Goldsmith EC. 2013. Type II diabetes promotes a myofibroblast phenotype in cardiac fibroblasts. Life Sci 92:669-676.
- Goldsmith EC, Bradshaw AD, Spinale FG. 2013. Cellular mechanisms of tissue fibrosis. 2. Contributory pathways leading to myocardial fibrosis: moving beyond collagen expression. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 304:C393-402.
- Shuman JA, Zurcher JR, Sapp AA, Burdick JA, Gorman RC, Gorman JH 3rd, Goldsmith EC, Spinale FG (2013) Localized targeting of biomaterials following myocardial infarction: a foundation to build on. Trends Cardiovasc Med. 2013 (In Press)
- Wilson CG, Stone JW, Fowlkes V, Morales MO, Murphy CJ, Baxter SC, Goldsmith EC. 2011. Collagen receptors and the age-dependent deformation of type I collagen substrates by cardiac fibroblasts. Microsc. Microanal. 17(4): 555-562. PMID 21740617
- Stewart JA Jr, Massey EP, Fix C, Zhu J, Goldsmith EC, Carver W. 2010. Temporal alterations in cardiac fibroblast function following induction of pressure overload. Cell Tissue Res., 340(1): 117-126. PMID 20217135.
- Goldsmith E.C., X. Zhang, J. Watson and J.D. Potts. 2010. The collagen receptor DDR2 is expressed during early cardiac development. Anat. Rec., 293(5): 762-769. PMID: 19479965
- Wilson CG, Sisco PN, Goldsmith EC, Murphy CJ. 2009. Glycosaminoglycan Functionalized Gold Nanorods: Interactions with Cardiac Cells and Type I Collagen, J. Mat. Chem. 19(35): 6332 – 6340.
- Wilson CG, Sisco PN, Gadala-Maria FA, Murphy CJ, Goldsmith EC. 2009. Polyelectrolyte-Coated Gold Nanorods and their Interaction with Type I Collagen, Biomaterials 30(29):5639-5648. PMID: 19646751
- Sisco P.N., C.G. Wilson, E. Mironova, S.C. Baxter, C.J. Murphy and E.C. Goldsmith. 2008. The effect of gold nanorods on tissue remodeling, NanoLetters 8(10):3409-12. PMID: 18729419
- Murphy C.J., A.M. Gole, J.W. Stone, P.N. Sisco, A. Alkilany, E.C. Goldsmith and S.C. Baxter. 2008. Gold nanoparticles in biology: From toxicity to cellular imaging, Acct. Chem. Res. 41(12):1721-1730. PMID: 18712884
- Baxter S.C., M.O. Morales and E.C. Goldsmith. 2008. Adaptive changes in cardiac fibroblast morphology and collagen organization as a result of mechanical environment. Cell Biochem. Biophys. 51(1):33-44. PMID: 18446277
- Stone, J.W., P.N. Sisco, E.C. Goldsmith, S.C. Baxter and C.J. Murphy. 2007. Using gold nanorods to probe cell-induced collagen deformation. NanoLetters 7(1): 116-119. PMID: 17212449
- Goldsmith, J.G., E.C. Ntuen and E.C. Goldsmith. 2007. Direct quantification of gene expression using capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence. Anal. Biochem.360: 23-29. PMID: 17113023